On April 19th, TLC was approved to move the shelter to Dover. With the help of 21 volunteers, over 895 hours of labor, it was ready for us to move in. On July1st, we made Dover our new home.
When we walked in the doors that day we knew this is where we should be. Though the space is different, the programming and services remain the same with our mission still assisting women and children in crisis.
Thank you to everyone who helped us get here and make the space better than we hoped for. We are fortunate to have all of you support our mission and the families we serve.
We are moving!
Thank you, volunteers!
A big thank you to First Congregational Church in Rochester. Members and volunteers of the church hosted a rummage sale and generously donated $2700 of the proceeds to the shelter. Donations like these support TLC in so many ways and make a big difference for the women and children we serve.
-October 18, 2021
We are excited to announce we are the recipient of a $2,000 grant from the Brighter Future Fund through United Way. These additional funds will be used to continue our financial management program here at the shelter. We are beyond grateful to continue providing this important and crucial program to the women we serve.
-October 15, 2021
We were blown away by the response and generosity at our “Taste & Thanks” event hosted by Low Daily.
Words will never be enough to express how grateful TLC is for the amazing community we are fortunate to be a part of. There are a few folks that have been cheering us on and supporting our mission for 28 years. Your support means so much to the women and children we have the privilege of working with.
-September 16, 2021
A big thank you to Community State Bank who recently held a “Jean Day” and raised money by offering their employees a chance to wear jeans to work for a $5 buy in.
Thank you for your continued support. We couldn’t do it without our amazing community supporting us along the way.
-September 8, 2021
TLC would like to give a big shout out to all those who have helped the shelter secure the Personal Protection Equipment needed to keep the staff and families safe during this time.
We could not continue our program with your help.
Wisconsin Vision Associates- masks
Burlington Menswear- masks
Rebeccah Collins- masks
Racine County- masks, gloves, hand sanitizer
SC Johnson- sanitizing spray
Community State Bank- shelter supplies
We would also like to thank all the community members who have been sending much needed cleaning supplies and paper products. They have been very helpful.
All the support is much appreciated!
TLC has been awarded a $10,000 grant from Mount Olive ACTS. We are excited to partner with them to continue our vital work with the homeless families of our community.
TLC recently received a grant from the Morgridge Family Foundation to help support the shelter during the pandemic. We appreciate their support and acknowledgment of our program.
Thanks to United Way, TLC has received an additional $5000 to help place homeless families in hotels during this pandemic. We appreciate them supporting us during this difficult and in a way that allows us to serve those in need.
Thanks to everyone who helped make the 2019 TLC Golf Outing a success. We appreciate the support.
And The Results Are In….
32 women sheltered at TLC in 2018
24 had a monthly income
8 received Social Security Disability/ SSI
6 had full-time employment
1 had part-time and full-time employment
8 had part-time employment
1 was enrolled in the Wisconsin Works (W2) program
$24,600 total saved from all income
$1368 average saved per individual
$9.50 average hourly rate for employment
12 out of 32 women were sheltered for less than 2 weeks
Places of employment: Charcoal Grill, Quad Graphics, Kohl’s, Armark, Walmart, Taco Bell, Salvation Army, McDonald’s, Aurora Health Care, Home Helpers, Richter’s Marketplace, and many more.
The success of the women depends on their ability to make positive changes, the dedication of the staff, and the support of the community!
Thank you Jeff Schmid, Director of Tickets Sales, for the ChocolateFest tickets. We truly appreciate you giving the families a chance to go to the festival. They enjoyed their time there.
TLC staff would like to thank some of the employers who have hired the women at the shelter helping them to move towards self-sufficiency.
Quad Graphic
Lavelle Industries
ES Plastics
BASD (Foodservice)
Charcoal Grill
Salvation Army
Rojo's Popcorn
Aurora Health Care
Grand Geneva
Dollar Tree
Taco Bell
Wisconsin Vision Associates
Egg Plant
Burger King
Waterford Graded School District (food service)
And many more.......
Thank you for helping these families get back into being part of the community.
Thanks to the Burlington High School classes of 1987, 1988, and 1989 TLC received a donation from their fall reunion. We hope they enjoyed their night together reminiscing about old times and getting caught up with what is happening in everyone's lives now.
We appreciate you thinking of the families we serve and making this donation!
Especially thanks to Kelly McNamara, Julie Verhagen, and Ann Covelli for organizing this event.
Community State bank employees were each given $100 at the start of the holiday season, however, the catch was that they needed to choose a local organization to donate it to. Marilyn Sorenson knew that TLC is where she wanted to give her money and through spreading awareness about the program she was able to get 11 other people to donate their money to TLC as well.
We are grateful for this $1200 donation and for the acknowledgment of our program.
TLC was granted $20,000 from Racine Community Foundation. This funding will be used to support case management services for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. Case managers are an integral part of the shelter program and to the participant's success.
TLC received $3000 from the Keefe Kares Foundation. The Keefe Kares mission is to identify local community needs and match them with time, talent and financial contributions for a great impact. We are grateful that the TLC program was found worth of funding.
TLC has been awarded a $8,000 grant from Mount Olive ACTS. We are excited to partner with them to continue our vital work with the homeless families of our community.
TLC received a $5000 grant from the Burlington Community Fund to help support the installation of security system at the shelter. Thank you for acknowledging our program and helping us keep the families and staff members safe.
TLC past Board Member Patricia Hoffman recently celebrated her 70th birthday at the Liar's Club. The party was a gathering of her friends and family and a way to celebrate her special day. In turn TLC became the recipient of the guest's generosity and Pat's commitment to TLC. Our families will benefit greatly from these generous gifts.
Thank you Troop 303 for making dinner for the families at the shelter. Charlie, Jon and Andy did a great job making the lasagna. It was delicious. We appreciate Troop Leaders Jeff Schopp and Tim Bartelson for choosing TLC for your volunteer efforts.
TLC received a $25,000 grant for the 2016-2017 fiscal year from the Runzheimer Foundation. This grant will be used for client support and case management. Their continued support is greatly appreciated.
TLC is appreciates the support from Kwik Trip. They were awarded a $1000 grant to help towards the 2017 transportation program. This will allow case mangers to continue to take clients to appointments, work, school, and meetings. All things necessary to help them become self-sufficient.
TLC is fortunate to have receive United Way funding for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. This allows TLC to continue its work with the homeless families of Western Racine County and assist in making the program more efficient and effective for those served.